Most major religions have some regular source of income from the adherents of the "faith" - I use that in inverted commas because Yoism doesn't require faith, and actually abhors it. Be it selling redemption, passing around the communion plate, interest on loans etc.
Tithing is one practice that seems to work very effectively, and scales well as the congregation grows. From a Yoan perspective, tithing has one obvious downside and another non-obvious one.
The main downside of tithing is that the money flows to the central organising body - and when money equals power, you have a centralisation of this power, thereby making the religion far more
effective, but also far more dangerous. Yoism tries to capture the effectiveness of organisation, yet still avoid the dangerous potential that comes with centralised power. The non-obvious downside is that
all religions engaged in these money generating activities are also
endorsing another belief system - that of the monetary system where power in centralised with the Central Banks. It is essential that there needs to be some system, based on belief in money, that a
religion must rely on to manage its power accumulation - but there is a diversity of choice from property, to currency to Bitcoin. Most religions spread their risk throughout all of these.
For Yoism, Bitcoin presents a unique opportunity given the distributed
nature of its followers and the open source nature of the religion.
The process of Bitcoin tithing, where instead of giving Bitcoin or money to the central organising body, Yoans could just regularly buy bitcoin on a weekly or monthly basis. Over time this would lead to the price of Bitcoin continually increasing as demand grows and supply
dwinldes. The congregation, and thereby the religion would continually increase their own financial wealth, and power, but not incur the downside of a centralised power to be abused. Furthermore, it would be endorsing a decentralised monetary belief system and would allow for trade within the congregation to occur with obvious tax advantages.
So what are you waiting for, begin bitcoin tithing today, no church interference necessary!
YoismA community of open minded rational thinkers that recognise the importance of organising. Archives
September 2017
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